Vertex Square Ascendant. We have a Vertex/Ascendant DW 2°, AND a Vertex/Node DW 0°. Saturn here has a limiting ad restrictive effect on the ascendant person. 8. It reveals the deep and complex connections that form a romantic relationship. conjunct nodes; angles conjunct. In synastry, Pottenger has often found one of these points in close conjunction with a personal planet or one end of an angular axis belonging to the other person, where significant binding ties are involved. It sparks passion between a couple that is romantically involved. My love interest has his Vertex conjunct my IC and my Vertex is conjunct his MC, one exact, one two degrees off. The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant. With the Saturn conjunct ascendant synastry aspect, the ascendant person displays this sign more strongly than the Saturn person. When Saturn conjuncts the Ascendant in synastry, the first person's influence on the second person's self-expression and approach to life is profound. Sun person especially admires Ascendant person's presence, external appearance and the overall look and feel, while Ascendant person is. There can be too little or too much parental guidance. See a recent post on Tumblr from @celestial-martian about north node conjunct vertex synastry. This powerful […]The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant. Vesta at the North Node. pluto-DC conjunct, sun-vertex conjunct. In addition, the day I met him, transiting Mars was conjunct my natal Venus exactly. You get along well and easily understand each other. ” As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. Any intimate relationship is a sharing of hearts. The experience is one of total relive or fruition. Juno Opposition Ascendant & Juno Conjunct Descendant SynastrySaturn Conjunct Ascendant. This new unified points are one of the most useful synastry facets getting soulmates. If your ascendant is conjunct your partner’s Vertex or vice versa, this is a strong indicator of attraction. Can anyone shed a little light on what lilith conjunct vertex (5h all in capricorn) might be about. Robert’s Moon in Cancer is conjunct Kristen’s Ascendant. He reasoned that if the Ascendant was determined by the intersection of the Great Circles of the Ecliptic and Horizon. So someone who complained that l never. Love and abuse are. Is it meaningful? - Quora. However, this binding effect may be soon replaced by the sense of boredom, stagnation and by waking up some destructive tendencies in one another. Finally, Vertex conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated bond. They might feel that they are treated as a child,. This is the kind of relationship that will change your life. Sun conjunct Ascendant in Synastry: This is one of the most powerful indications of physical attraction between a couple. The Lilith conjunct ascendant synastry conjunction causes a strong, immediate attraction between both people. Wait a moment and try again. can anyone help me. Should I expect this to crash and burn or something that could be good long term? Thank u in advance 😊posted this before but. As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. ” As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. Sun/Moon. ” As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. 5 Vertex. (and composite Psyche naturally is conjunct his natal Pallas - and all of these happen in Aquarius, feels quite electric) EDIT: Speaking of the composite. Mars-Ascendant Aspects in Synastry. This is a prime indicator of a sginficant attraction, which could possibly lead to marriage. The first person may come across as strong-willed or even overbearing at times, which could make the second person feel controlled or bossed around. The Vertex in astrology is a karmic point that needs activation to bring out its power. My Vertex is conjunct his Vertex (3°), both of which are conjunct his DSC. It represents a sense for. It depends on other aspects if these people will get along after getting to know eachother. The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant. In Astrology, Mars represents sex and aggression, while the Ascendant represents our physical appearance and the way we project ourselves to the world. Nodes & Vertex Synastry. Karmic Connections. Mars person almost. Printer-Friendly Version Strongest Compatibility in Synastry (weight 4) Sun conjunct Descendant 4 Sun conjunct or opposition Vertex 4 Sun conjunct North Node 4 Sun hard aspect (conjunct, semi-square, square, opposition) Sun/Moon midpoint 4 Sun in 7th house 4 Moon conjunct. The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant. I love him so dearly and I think from the moment he saw me he liked me as well. Gives a person a sense of the fullness of being, the desire for expansion, expanding his capabilities. The wife’s Sun and Mars often oppose the husband’s Juno; the husband’s Venus, Mars and Mercury often trine the wife’s Juno. The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant. Robert’s Moon in Cancer is conjunct Kristen’s Ascendant. A subreddit for sharing natal, transit, current, and astrological charts of all kinds! Please…Venus conjunct Descendant in Synastry (or Venus opposite Ascendant in Synastry) Venus conjunct Descendant in Synastry is an incredibly powerful aspect to find in a relationship chart. When one’s Vertex is activated like this, events connected to it may feel fated, which is why some see it as similar to the Nodes. Eros square Ascendant: The Eros person is very attracted to the Ascendant person, yet may at the same time feel that the Eros person is very different than who they are generally attracted to. ” As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. When one person’s inner planets, Nodes, angles, or Vertex conjunct. Answer: In the Real World It means Nothing! With No Disrespects to you! It is of no consequence of when someone was born of how they are as an individual! Everyone on earth is different to each other! There are 49 babies born during every 10 second period throughout the World. Hence, if you see a “bad” asteroid conjunct your Moon, run. 2022 which is 3:30 pm eastern standard. We have Moon/Venus to Nodes but in trine/sextile. Ascendant Conjunct Vertex in Synastry. Here is a great article on the Vertex. What is the significance of vertex conjunct anti-vertex in synastry? - Quora. Otherwise, mine trines his 5H MOON-BML; his is sextile my his SIVA (0°) with my KAALI (1°) and opposite our huge karmic stellium across 16°-20° Taurus. Moon/Moon. This person is usually very aware of the people around them and has a charming and attractive way of introducing themselves to the world. When your Moon is conjunct your partner’s Pluto, you are rendered almost. not by far, I mean there are multiple factors to consider in your synastry, that's all. Julia Roberts’ Mars squares Danny Morder’s North Node. The only significant interaction between their charts was her vertex conjunct his Sun (which was also conjunct his pluto and Mercury). Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Vertex conjunct ascendant with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumpik. her sun in scorpio in 12th, vertex gemini in 7th. 10. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. like 8 degrees) my moon (in my 4th house) my anti vertex conjunct his chiron (in my 12th house)Eros can bring comfort and tranquility to the Ascendant and vice versa. The Vertex person will feel strongly committed to the Vertex person and feel that they are. When touched by transit or progressions, fated events are likely to occur. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Anyone have any experience or knowledge with the Vertex Conjunct Vertex aspect? Are there any certain "traits" this aspects carries, or should it just be considered as "highly fated" and that's basically it. The Descendant person feels much joy from being with the Jupiter person, as the Jupiter person brings joy, positivity and expansion to the Descendant person’s life. Which includes my skipped-step CHIRON. We both have our Nodes on our AC/DC line in our natals, and so our Vertex's end up conjuncting the AC and Node DW. when someone’s personal planet, Ascendant/Descendant, IC/MC, or Vertex aspects your Vertex by conjunction or opposition, a fated relationship is indicated. The complete cycle of Jupiter’s revolution around the Sun is approximately 12 years. The inner shadow self is thus revealed in such circumstances. The Saturn person may establish them selves as a type of authority figure in the relationship. The vertex falls on the western side of the natal chart, with the anti-vertex found exactly 180 degrees away, on the eastern or the ascendant side. You have a strong sense of self, and you want to maintain your identity even in a relationship. Vesta conjunct the ascendant suggests that independence is very important to you. Vertex. in synastry my vertex conjunct his dc and my vertec conjunct his sun/moon midpoint . You can help each other overcome the wounds of the past. Vertex Conjunct Ascendant Synastry ; Chiron Conjunct Venus Synastry ; Lucius Nothing. ”. Some astrologers have said that the Anti-Vertex is less significant than the Vertex, but based on personal experience, as well as my. The Vertex is very often misunderstood. 14 aquarius in my 8th house. Moon opposite Ascendant in Synastry. vertex axis on the ascendant axis with the sun conjunct the ascendant and anti vertex makes the relationship very "other worldly", that is you can almost feel the karma that flows through you both. The Vertex in Synastry - Angles and Points (Part 3) ellie-mae-astrology. More than ever before, you feel seen. This relationship can be quite complicated but these two people can learn from each other. The Sun Square Ascendant aspect in synastry indicates a potential clash of wills and a challenge in finding harmony between two individuals. The transiting vertex will be conjunct my natal ascendant and my natal vertex will be conjunct my SR Ascendant. While Mars is specific planet with a fixed set of meanings, the ascendant (or rising sign) can be any of the twelve signs of the zodiac – Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. He has Pallas Ixion and Juno conjunct his Libra ascendant and Chiron trines all of them and squares my Vesta. Vertex in the 2nd house may. Transits to his natal included 6 conjunctions, including Neptune on his Eros and Psyche exact on his Mercury. Finally, Vertex conjunct Vertex in synastry indicates a fated bond. When one person’s Chiron makes an aspect to the planets in the other person’s birth chart, there are some deeper issues involved in the relationship. A square is more like someone sticking you with a needle. Neptune aspecting the other person’s Ascendant or Venus can show this type of relationship. The Intricacies of Mars Conjunct Ascendant Synastry. Her Venus is exactly conjunct my Vertex (which seems kind of creepy), and her Mars conjuncts my Venus by 3 degrees (which is even more creepy!). Their inner feeling and perception of things is almost the same. It. The Vertex is considered a “second Ascendant,” while the Anti-Vertex is considered a “second Descendant. When one person’s inner planets, Nodes, angles, or Vertex conjunct. Some astrologers refer to the Vertex as the “third angle. Sun/Moon Midpoint. Besides physical attraction, this aspect indicates the existence of a strong emotional connection as well. Example: Saturn Conjunct Vertex in the 7th house in synastry will bring karmic lessons around building a long lasting and stable relationship together. Lucius has been slinging tarot cards professionally since 2014. Also, in synastry, my Sun is exactly conjunct my boyfriend’s Vertex, and his Ascendant is loosely conjunct my Vertex (6′ orb). • Moon conjunct. The vertex is located on the western side of the chart, opposite the ascendant, and it is thought to. This aspect indicates a very strong attraction between you. when someone’s personal planet, Ascendant/Descendant, IC/MC, or Vertex aspects your Vertex by conjunction or opposition, a fated relationship is indicated. Sun-Venus- Mars aspect also square the Ascendant and the Sun is its planet (Asc. the husband's Vertex conjunct the wife's North Node. They also illuminate those hidden aspects that the Descendant person refuses to acknowledge, encouraging them to work on their shadow self. As such, Vertex connections in synastry signify a highly personal connection. It reveals the deep and complex connections that form a romantic relationship. 49 virgo in the 6th house squared my venus at 14. what synastry would make someone feel fascinated/interested in the other person/never met someone like them before? Fascination, putting someone on a pedestal, them being the most perfect person in your eyes, idolizing them - has mostly to do with Neptune. 6. Answer (1 of 4): The ascendant person would feel personally restricted by the Saturn person, as though they were a teenager whose parent (Saturn) doesn’t — or can’t — allow him freedom of personal action outside of the ‘family’. Venus quintile. This may be the Ascendant / Descendant axis, the MC / IC axis, the lunar nodal axis, or even the other. Synastry Aspects with the VertexThe Moon conjunct Mars synastry suggests a steamy and passionate relationship. Chiron in Synastry: Who Feels What. They inspire a sense of responsibility and caution in their. I did my birth chart synastry and composite with the individual involved with my arrest and uh yup—double whammy Vertex conjunct ASC in synastry and Vertex conjunct the DSC in the composite. The basics are the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant (the soul’s trinity) in aspect to the sexual planets (Venus and Mars) and the social planets of balance (Jupiter and Saturn). In Leo). e. Some astrologers have said that the Anti-Vertex is less significant than the Vertex, but based on personal experience, as well as my. Similarly, when someone’s personal planet, Ascendant/Descendant, IC/MC, or Vertex aspects your Vertex by conjunction or opposition, a fated relationship is indicated. The harmonious aspects are one of the best synastry aspects for soulmates. However saturn is square. The Vertex Axis in Relationships. Sun-Venus or Venus-Venus synastry aspects: Sun-Venus contacts in synastry are highly touted by astrologers, and for good reason! When this aspect appears in synastry, the couple feels affection and love for one another. Square to Vertex will act the way that every element that crosses the Vx point will poke this Chiron 10 times harder and clearer. Vx person may feel more connected to themselves when meeting the house person, they may feel more self-aware, the relationship may feel like they were meant to meet and have the house person’s presence in their life. Isis Conjunct the Vertex. Separating can be difficult with this placement. 5 Vertex. Neptune conjunct Descendant in Synastry (or Neptune opposite Ascendant in Synastry) This aspect indicates a dream-like connection between the partners. · Black Moon Lilith conjunct Black Moon Lilith – This is as intense as it gets. Ellynlvx Knowflake . Some astrologers have said that the Anti-Vertex is less significant than the Vertex, but based on personal experience, as well as my. There were no other conjunctions, oppositions or even squares (most of his planets are in one sector of his chart). …. Linda McCartney’s North Node squares Paul McCartney’s Sun, Mercury, and Jupiter. Oh his Mercury is also conjunct my Neptune exact, might figure in. One powerful method is the synastry chart – a fascinating tool used in relationship astrology that compares the natal charts of two individuals. . The Anti-Vertex can be read as spiritual DSC. Then the same. That is nearly. are challeging yet actually good in relationships and you might even feel really attracted to people with this type of synastry).